Basingstoke Festival

Our commitment to sustainability

At Basingstoke Festival, we are committed to sustainability and are working hard to make our event more environmentally friendly and globally conscious. Our mission is to measure, understand and improve our practices across the festival to create a more sustainable future for all.

Here are some of the things we’re doing to reduce our environmental impact:

  • Encourage greener transport: We’re asking our performers to travel by train and use public transport where possible when making their way to Basingstoke Festival.
  • Utilising green generators: All performance spaces are powered by renewable energy sources using green generators.
  • Using existing infrastructure: We are utilising vacant retail units, instead of bringing in additional infrastructure.
  • Sustainability programming: We are programming shows and workshops that educate and encourage sustainability.
  • Recycled festival parade costumes: Our festival parade features costumes made from recycled materials.

While we are working hard behind the scenes to bring in sustainable changes, we can’t achieve our goals alone. Our audience plays a significant role in minimising the festival’s environmental footprint, from transportation choices to what you consume while enjoying performances.

How you can help

  • Opt for sustainable transport: Whenever possible, walk, cycle, or use public transport to attend the festival. Find bicycle parking for your visit here: Cycle Parking ( You can also find electric car charging spaces in town on Basingstoke Borough Council’s website.
  • Recycle: Use the waste facilities provided at the festival or take it home with you to dispose of and recycle properly.
  • Support local eateries: Enjoy plant-based, locally sourced food and drink from independent eateries and cafes in the town centre. Small changes in your consumption can lead to a significant positive impact.
  • Shop local: Purchasing from local businesses and creatives helps reduce the carbon footprint of the products you buy. Pop into All Our Own Crafts, or Willows Café, where you can explore home-made jewellery, homeware, prints, gifts and more. Meet the artisans behind the creations and enjoy yummy food that will fuel you for the festival.
  • Reduce, Refill and Reuse: Bring your own reusable cup or water bottle and refill it at the free hydration station, inside Festival Place.

By working together, we can make Basingstoke Festival a model of sustainability as we grow greener. Thank you for supporting our efforts and making a difference.

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