See everything in one day: weekend one

Friday 21 June

5.30pm The Basingstoke Festival opening parade.

Saturday 22 June

Option one

10.30am The Dragon Wagon (Cross Street)
11.30am Risky Business! (Cross Street)
12.30pm Henge (Amphitheatre by Festival Place)
1.30pm Timeless (Eastrop Park)
2.30pm Time Travellers’ Trail (Triumphal Gates, London Street)
3.30pm Tape That (London Street)

Option two

10.45am Tape That (London Street)
11.30am Time Travellers’ Trail (Triumphal Gates, London Street)
1.15pm Risky Business! (Cross Street)
2.15pm The Dragon Wagon (Cross Street)
3.30pm Henge (Amphitheatre by Festival Place)
4.30pm Timeless (Eastrop Park)

Top tip

Don’t forget to head to The Festival Hub open between 11am and 4pm.

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